Sunday, October 28, 2007

Congrats Sox

Just finished watching game 4 of the world series. I am pleased because I'm comfortable, I'm home, and one of my teams just won it all. Though my main team is the ever unpredictable Seattle Mariners, the Red Sox has been my back-up team for a few years now. Mainly, I'm a baseball fan. I love to watch all of it, the stories that develop, the rhythm of it, the rise and fall of teams and players. The other reason I'm happy is that back in June I looked at a friend who happened to make the mistake of engaging me in a baseball discussion. During that discussion I had said, "The Red Sox have a good chance of winning it all." Throughout the entire season I believed it because I saw a team which was not only balanced but incredibly deep with talent. However, my main reason was because I saw a team having intense fun with what they were doing.

It was odd to be in a World Series city while the event was going on. Unfortunately, it was during the first games in Boston and the town had that "away game" sort of feeling to it. We were out on the street and moving toward a sports bar to take in the first Series game when the Rockies hit their home run in the first game. I've never heard a city roar before but I'll never forget how that sound rolled along the streets, echoed around the towers, and lifted into the sky.

Finally, this may be a no-brainer but hang onto any Jacoby Ellsbury or Dustin Pedroia cards you have from this season. From the way those rookies came out of the box and performed in the past two games of the Series, it might be worth something one day.

Friday, October 26, 2007


I’ve really gotten away from doing this kind of writing. I’m not sure why exactly. Part of the reason is a very tight schedule. The other is that I’ve been suffering from a kind of paralysis. Even though I’ve re- imagined this journal several times, none of them seemed to really fit or work, none provided that “spark” that would keep me going.

On top of that, I would have ideas and then realize I had no journal to put them in. If I had one on a spiritual line, do I stick it it here? Does it belong here? What if I turned around and then had an idea for a sports themed post? Would it fit? Would it be alright to create a hodge-podge of different posts with different subjects all running about willy-nilly? With my new job, I had travel posts on top of that. And posts about nature, photography, gaming, kids, cooking, and the list goes on.

So, I reached the only logical conclusion. I'd do them all, right here. I've wanted a central home for things for some time now and this is it.

I'm currently wrapping up a week long stint in Denver, Colorado and fly home tomorrow. This afternoon, the conference wraps at noon and there are plans to go to the mountains. I'm looking forward to this a great deal and only wish I had brought my camera. Food for thought as I look into packing and traveling for not only Atlanta but Austin, Texas as well. And what are travel posts without pictures, right?