This morning -- 10:05 AM
I’m sitting in the
And here I sit. We’ll be boarding soon on a flight switch-up and finally headed southward. I had the oddest thought when the driver mentioned that their company’s normally functional printer had stopped working and that when he called me, he couldn’t reach my home phone number. I had the thought, “Oh, I’m not supposed to get on this flight.”
I guess I was right!
When things like this start to happen, I’ve learned its better to just relax, kick back, and wait for an opening to clear for you. I watched as so many fellow travelers threw fits of frustration. Panic and anxiety do nothing for you. Also, it’s times like this that I am so thankful for my laptop. In the time sitting here I’ve been able to review what I need for the event, get some writing done, and worked on this blog post. It’s all in how you look at things
To add to the backdrop of this adventure, we are headed into
I wonder if the folks flying into
That’s funny stuff.
My flight boards in fifteen minutes so I’m shutting things down and heading for the little travelers room. Then, I’m on a flight and airborne.